The Online Entrepreneur Academy Podcast

Discussing Stress With Expert Dr Rebecca Williams

Your Host is Susan, Founder of The Online Entrepreneur Academy Season 3 Episode 12

When I first met Dr Rebecca Williams I just knew we needed to invite her on our podcast!

We met through the power of good networking, so always remember to connect with people, your sort of people!

But today this is not about networking, but about Dr Rebecca Williams' work with stress and how she is helping so many of us through advice, her book and of course both corporate and individuals.

Our modern-day world has many stresses and I think a lot of us don't recognise and we need help.
Health before wealth;  so make sure you listen to this episode to recognize signs, take action and get to know when to reach out for help.

Specifically, Rebecca works with individuals who are struggling with stress. She also works with businesses and organizations to help them reduce presenteeism, absenteeism and high staff turnover.

Following her medical training in Cambridge and Oxford, Rebecca completed her GP training in the beautiful Scottish Borders and has worked as a GP there for nearly 25 years, witnessing first-hand the impact of stress on mental, physical and emotional health.

As a Stress Management Consultant, she supports individuals in understanding and managing their stress. She also works with businesses to educate and support their staff through webinars, workshops, and confidential 1-2-1 sessions.

Here's how to contact Dr Rebecca Williams:


Book link:

Do message us, suggestions, feedback guests you'd like to have in a conversation here? Thank you for you support and interest. Apprecaited

My podcast is advert-free and jingle-free, simply put together, and hopefully demonstrates you can be working alone, keep the tech simple, and still share fabulous information.

Keeping business simple is my motto! ...Although I will at some point have some music and a jingle!!

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